Compiled from census, immigration, vital and various other public records
Descendant tree for Tzvi:
Tzvi (~18xx-18xx)
m. Unknown (~1878-1910)
Aaron David Palefsky (~1867-1915)
m. Chaya Rivka (Ida) Peterman (~1872-1948)
Jossel (Joseph) Palefsky (~1896-19xx)
m. Fannie (~1895-1969)
Mildred Palefsky (1918-)
m. Mr. Weiner
Arthur Paley (1923-1977)
Leonore Palefsky (1925-1972)
m. Mr. Tieman
Beril (Benjamin) Palefsky (~1898-1946)
m. Mollie (1900-1982)
Corrinne Palefsky (1927-)
Leib (Louis) Palefsky (1903-1943)
m. Sadie Clayman (~1905-19xx) - 9-May-1922
Evelyn Palefsky (1925-2009)
m. Mr. Wallach
Diana Palefsky (~1928-)
Max/Mayer Palefsky (1905-1988)
m. Sarah Rosenzweig - 24-Apr-1929
Yaakov (Jack) Paley (1910-1958)
m. Evelyn Reigelhaupt (1920-2007) - 1943
Harriet Paley
Living (f) Paley
Living (m) Paley
Living (m) Paley
More about Tzvi's family:
Aaron David Palefsky was born around 1867 to Tzvi; his mother's name is currently unknown. He married Chaya Rivka, daughter of Yosef Avigdor, around 1895 and they had at least two children in Brest: Jossel born 1896 and Berl born 1898. Aaron departed Hamburg, Germany on the S.S. Patria on November 6, 1898 and arrived in New York on November 18, 1898. He was going to his brother Jankel Palewsky in New York. Chaya and children Jossel and Berl departed Hamburg on the S.S. Palatia on March 30, 1902 and arrived in New York on April 13, 1902. They were going to husband/father Aaron David at 51 Allen Street in Manhattan.
Aaron David and Chaya had three more sons in New York, Leib (Louis) born 1903, Meyer/Max born 1906 and Yaakov (Jack) born 1907. The family was found in the 1915 New York State Census living at 140 Monroe Street in Manhattan. Aaron David died on September 25, 1915 at the age of 52. He is buried in Baron Hirsch Cemetery in Staten Island, NY and his stone indicates that he was a Rabbi. Ida, Benjamin, Max and Jacob were living at 130½ Monroe Street when the 1920 census was taken. Chaya died on April 14, 1948 at the age of 76. She is also buried in Baron Hirsch.
Joseph registered for the WWI draft on June 5, 1918 and was living at 140 Monroe Street with mother Ida. He married Fannie in the same year and they subsequently had two daughters and a son. In 1920, the family was living at 155 South 4th Street in Brooklyn and Joseph was a jewels dealer. In 1930, they were living at 1700 Bryant Street in the Bronx and Joseph was a laundry driver. At some point, the family changed their surname to Paley. Joseph's date of death is currently unknown, but Fannie died afterwards, in June 1969.
Stones were also found in Baron Hirsch for some of Aaron David and Chaya's sons. Leib (Louis) Palefsky died on July 29, 1943. Beril (Benjamin) Palefsky died on April 2, 1946. Yaakov (Jack) Paley died on January 5, 1959.
Records we have:
1898-Nov-18 (Page 1, Page 2): Aron Palewsky
1902-Apr-13 (Page 1, Page 2): Chaje, Jossel, Berl Palewsky
1905: "Harry", Ida, Joseph, Benjamin, Lieb & Meyer Palefosky - 47 Allen Street, Manhattan
1910: "Harry", Ida, Jacob, Ben, "Hyman", Meyer, Max & Jacob Pollefsky - 8 Rutgers Place (aka Monroe Street), Manhattan
1915: Aaron, Ida, Joseph, Benjamin, Louis & Meyer Palefsky - 140 Monroe Street, Manhattan
1920: Ida, Benjmain, Louis, Max & Jacob Palefsky - 130 1/2 Monroe Street, Manhattan, NY
1920: Joseph, Fannie & Mildred Palefsky - 155 South 4th Street, Manhattan, NY
1930 (Page 1, Page 2): Joseph, Fannie, Mildred, Arthur & Leonore Palefsky - 1700 Bryant Avenue, Bronx, NY
1930: Benjamin, Mollie & Corrinne Palefsky - 1674 Bryant Avenue, Bronx, NY
1928: Benjamin & Mollie Palefsky, 1928 Springfield City Directory
Draft Registrations:
1918-Jun-05: Joe Palefsky
Vital Records:
1896-Jun-18: Josel Palevsky birth
1922-May-9: Marriage Certificate of Louis Palefsky & Sadie Clayman
(click photos to enlarge)

Aaron Palefsky Baron Hirsch Cemetery Staten Island, NY

Ida Palefsky Baron Hirsch Cemetery Staten Island, NY

Benjamin Palefsky Baron Hirsch Cemetery Staten Island, NY

Mollie Palefsky Baron Hirsch Cemetery Staten Island, NY

Louis Palefsky Baron Hirsch Cemetery Staten Island, NY

Meyer Palefsky Baron Hirsch Cemetery Staten Island, NY

Jack Paley (Palefsky) Baron Hirsch Cemetery Staten Island, NY
Records we need: