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Data extracted from family trees prepared by Dr. Seymour Saltzman, Yaakov Bergshtein, and supplemented with data from U.S. census, immigration, vital and other records
Highlighted names are direct male descendants of the patriarch and are eligible to participate in the DNA Project.
Descendant tree for Rabbi Moshe Aaron Poliyer of Kobrin:
Israel Eleazer Poliyer
Rabbi Moshe Aaron Poliyer (~1784-1858)
m. Rivke Flier
Rivcha Poliyer (~1804-18xx)
m. Yisrael Poliyer
Unknown (~1825-xxxx)
m. Yaakov Azriel Zelig Palevsky
[ Please see Yaakov Azriel Zelig tree for details of this branch ]
Yisrael Yaacov Poliyer (~1810-xxxx)
Mordechai Chaim Poliyer Palefsky (1830-1904)
m. Freidl Lifshitz
Chaya Rachel Palevsky
Ester Bluma Palevsky
m. Shaye Bleter
Shmuel Yehoshua Palevsky
m. Shifra Sokokolsky
Feiga Palevsky
m. Zisha Horvitz
Miriam Palevsky (1862-1910)
m. Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Chy
R' Shmelke Palevsky-Gutman (1884-1941)
m. Mirke
R' Moshe Noach Palevsky-Itzhaki (1889-1982)
m. Geile Reize (Shoshana) Shvartzberg (1904-1980)
Living Palevsky-Itzhaki (1924-)
m. Living Rivnik
Living Palevsky-Itzhaki
Living Palevsky-Itzhaki
Living Palevsky-Itzhaki
Feige Gitl Palevsky (1890-1987)
m. Meir Bergshtein
Yaakov Bergshtein (1927-?)
m. Miriam Shneider
Living Bergshtein
Tzipora Bergshtein (1930-?)
m. Chanoch Yorav
Living Yorav
Living Yorav
Noah Naftali Poliyer Palefsky (~18xx-1889)
David Shelomo Palefsky Rabinovitch (~18xx-1918)
Moshe Aharon Rabinovitch (~18xx-1942)
Chaya (Ida) Rabinovitch (~1887-1920)
m. Baruch Josef Zhak (~1887-1949)
Israel Nachman Sack (1909-1983)
Tzippe Yente (Yetta) Sack (1910-1998)
m. Solomon Lenchitz (1909-1985) - 20-Jan-1932
Chaim Lenchitz (~1934-)
m. Esther
Shifra Lenchitz
Boruch Joseph Lenchitz
Rivka Lenchitz
Sholom Lenchitz
Yeshaya Lenchitz
m. Baila Shapiro
Ora Pella Lenchitz
m. Pinchos Menachem Adler
Tova Lenchitz
m. Borach Mordechai Hirsch
Bracha Baila Lenchitz
m. Israel Aryeh Gradman
Nason Lenchitz
Rochelle B. Lenchitz (~1938-)
m. Meyer Hartstein
Chaya Ita Hartstein (1966-)
m. Yakov Shore (1964-)
Rivka Yehudis Hartstein
m. Mordechai Yosef Block
Bryna Pesil Hartstein
m. Nasan Hirschberg
Aron Hartstein
m. Basheva Steinberg
Shlomo E. Hartstein (1961-)
m. Nechama Kushner (1966-)
Tzvi Menachem Hartstein (1962-)
m. Revital Yeshua
Roisa Hartstein
m. Yitzchok Davis (1963-)
David Shlomo Lenchitz (~1942-)
m. Rifka
Mirium Sarah Lenchitz
Roos Lenchitz
Naphtali Hertzel Lenchitz
Aaron Lenchitz
Rachel Lenchitz
Ephraim Lenchitz
Naomi Bas Lenchitz
m. Shaul Shneur
Baroch Joseph Lenchitz
Binyomin Moshe Lenchitz (~1971-)
Yehudah Lenchitz (~1973-)
Tvia Lenchitz
m. Ephraim Greenberg
Gittel Rivka Greenberg
Avraham Greenberg
Yisrael Yitzhak Greenberg
Shaul Greenberg
Sarah Dvora Greenberg
Yaacov Lieb Greenberg
m. Ilana Tsippora
Ben Tzion Greenberg
Akiva Yoseph Greenberg
Sarah (Sally) M. Sack (1911-2003)
m. Benjamin H. Klonsky (1911-1994)
Eileen Klonsky (1933-)
m. Melvin H. Singer (1933-)
Deborah Klonsky (1937-)
m. Leonard Lev (1935-)
Elliott J. Klonsky (1949-)
m. Melinda F. (1950-)
Arielle A. Klonsky (1951-)
m. Donald I. Lautman (1952-)
Noah Naftali Rabinovitch
Feige Rabinovitch
m. Mr. Goldman
Aaron Levi Palefsky Rabinovitch
Unknown Rabinovitch
Unknown Rabinovitch
Tzippe Yente Poliyer
m. Yehuda Leib Levine
Mordechai Poliyer
Miriam Poliyer
m. Chaim Levine
Yehuda Leib Levine
m. Tzippe Yente Poliyer
female Poliyer
m. Mr. Tzeilengold
Reuven Tzeilengold
m. Miss Ostrover
Chasia Poliyer
More about Rabbi Moshe Aaron Poliyer of Kobrin's family:
Rabbi Moshe Pallier of Kobrin [1784 - 29 Nisan 1858] was a close follower of the Rebbe, R. Mordechai of Lechovitch and afterwards of his son, R. Noach. In 1833 he became the first Rebbe of the Kobrin dynasty, with thousands of chassidim, many of whom subsequently moved to Eretz Yisroel. His teachings are collected in Imros Taharos. 1
He was a dedicated follower of Rabbi Mordechai the Holy Elder of Lyakhovichi and later of Mordechai's son Rabbi Noah. It was not until 1833 that he accepted the role of Amdur of Kobrin, prior to that he spent most of his time in Lyakhovichi. The book he wrote is said to be the first writings of the teachings of Rabbis Mordechai and Noah of Lechovitz. He is considered the founder of the Slonim Dynasty which was led first by his pupil Abraham of Slonim and then by Moshe's grandson Noah-Naftali of Kobrin. Appears in Otzar haRabbanim as #OR15005 and is cross-referenced to his son's listing Israel Jacob Paler #OR12225. In a story in his yahrtzeit is cited as 1851, not 1858. His last name is given variously as PALER, FALER, PELIER, PELLIER. Some of his descendants are said to have used PALEVSKY which was a surname in Lyakhovichi until the twentieth century.2
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