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Compiled from census, vital and other public records

Descendant tree for David:

  • David Polewsky (~18xx-18xx) m. Fradel (~18xx-18xx)
  • Anshel Yaakov (Jacob) Polewsky (~1845-1914) m. Dinah (Jennie) Cornman (~1847-1915)
  • Celia Polewsky (~1865-1912) m. Wolf Slitkin (~1860-1940) - ~1883
  • Benjamin Slitkin (~1884-1944) m. (1) Anna Mandelowsky (~1886-1969), (2) Hattie Gottlieb (~1895-1987)
  • Rose Lillian Slitkin (~1908-1987) m. Eli Simon (1903-1983)
  • Edwin Slitkin (1928-)
  • Claire Slitkin (1932-1944?)
  • David R. Slitkin (~1888-1976) m. Anna Seidenberg (~18xx-1969)
  • Charles Slitkin (1912-1987) m. Sadie Chippinick (1913-1985)
  • Irwin Slitkin (1916-2001)
  • Sophie/Susie Slitkin (~1891-19xx)
  • Anna Slitkin (~1893-19xx)
  • Becky Slitkin (~1894-19xx)
  • Schaia (John) Polewsky (~1870-19xx) m. Bertha (~1875-19xx)
  • Annie Polewsky (~1893-19xx)
  • Ada/Edna Polewsky (~1895-19xx)
  • Louis Polewsky (~1901-19xx)
  • Dr. David Poe (~1882-1961) m. Dr. Margaret (Grete) Weiss (~1897-1990) - 19-Oct-1928
  • Benjamin Poe (~1884-19xx) m. Ethel Ehrlich
  • Arthur Poe (1916-1980) m. Esther (1916-1992)

More about David's family:

Anshel (Jacob) Polewsky was born around 1845 in Russia to David Polewsky -- region currently unknown. He married Dinah (Jennie) Cornman around 1863 and they had 8 children, though only 4 lived until adulthood (according to the 1900 New Jersey census). Jacob immigrated to the U.S. around 1886 and Jennie followed in 1890 with her two youngest sons, David and Benjamin. They lived in Newark, NJ in 1900, along with their daughter Celia, her husband Wolf Slitkin and their children, and their other surviving son, John, with his wife Bertha and their children.

Celia Polewsky was born around 1865 and married Wolf Slitkin around 1883 in Russia. They had two children in Russia, Benjamin and David. Wolf immigrated to the U.S. around 1889 and Celia followed with her sons in 1890. They had three more children in NJ, all daughters, Susie/Sophie, Annie/Anna and Beckie. Celia died in 1912 and Wolf died in 1940.

John Polewsky was born around 1870 in Russia. He immigrated to the U.S. around 1890 and married Bertha in 1893. They had 3 children: Anna, born in PA; Ada/Edna born in NJ and Louis born in NJ.

David Poe (nee Polewsky) was born around 1882 in Russia. He married Margaret around 1928 in New York. David was an otolaryngolist and Margaret was a dentist who also had a medical degree. David died on June 5, 1961 in New York and is buried at Beth Israel Memorial Park in Woodbridge, NJ. Margaret died on November 3, 1990 in Plantation, FL.

Benjamin Poe (nee Polewsky) was born around 1884 in Russia. He married Ethel around 1914 in New York. They had one son, Arthur, in 1916.

Records we have:


1900: Polewsky & Slitkin families

1910: Jacob & Jennie Polevsky, Benjamin Poe
1910: Wolf, Celia, Dave, Sophie, Anna & Bessie Slitkin
1910: Benjamin, Annie & Rose L. Slitkin; Cohney Horwitz
1910: John, Bertha, Anna, Louis & Edna Polewski
1910: David L. Poe

1920: John & Bertha Polewsky
1920: Louis & Edna Polewsky
1920: David L. Poe
1920: Benjamin & Ethel Poe
1920: Arthur Poe
1920: David, Annie, Charles, Irwin amp; Benjamin Slitkin
1920: William & Rebecca "Slitkman", step-son Benjamin Weinstein

1930: John, Bertha & Louis Polevsky
1930: David & Margaret Poe
1930: Benjamin, Ethel & Arthur Poe
1930: Benjamin, Hattie & Edwin Slitkin
1930: David, Anna, Charles & Irwin Slitkin
1930: Wolf & Rebecca Slitkin


1917-Jun-05: Benjamin Poe, WWI Draft Registration
1918-Sep-12: David Poe, WWI Draft Registration
1918-Sep-12: Benjamin Slitkin, WWI Draft Registration

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